The function of the doula ball stand, birthing ball manufacturer, how to use the midwifery ball stand, Linyi manufacturers directly supply the supply. The lowest price in the country, please call!
Text The doula ball stand is used to fix the doula ball. As the number of months goes by, the center of gravity of pregnant women will gradually move forward. On the other hand, pregnant women who have just started using doula balls have not yet mastered the certain skills. skills, so a doula ball stand is needed to fix the doula ball. The types of doula ball stands are divided into peanut ball stands, round ball stands and painted ball stands. Our company is dedicated and professional with a complete set of doula support tools. Delivery stools, hydrotherapy pools, swinging doula stools, doula pillows, teaching model series, and forceps series are all available. Obstetric colleagues and dealers nationwide are welcome to call us.
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